truite, pisciculture, aquaculture, nutrition
Replacement of marine ingredients by plant products in fish diets

Replacement of marine ingredients by plant products in fish diets

While world aquaculture has continuously grown (6-8% a year) over the last 30 years, the availability of fish meal (FM) and fish oil (FO), the major fish feed ingredients, was maintained at best stable by quotas in order to preserve marine resources.

In this context of increasing demand and limited availability which increased price and market volatility of FM and FO, research had been undertaken by INRA to replace FM and FO by alternative plant ingredients in fish feed. More detailed and robust Life Cycle Analysis have also been developed thanks to a worldwide collection of data regarding all existing conditions of aquaculture. Thanks to a fruitful partnership, current commercial fish feed contain increasing proportions of plant ingredients and much less FM and FO, which participates to the sustainable development of world aquaculture, less dependent on natural marine resources. Moreover, LCA being more and more performed enlighten stakeholders on leverages to reduce the environmental footprint of aquaculture and enable to orientate the nature of environmental impacts toward one or the other damaging consequence, locally more or less important.

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